Saturday, November 15, 2008


So here I am again. After so long not being here.
Dear blog, you'll die in boredom if I tell you what happened to me. Yes, I've started new semester. College? Its fun to be honest. But somehow i'd just like to get back to the times when there's me, nad and the world. Things were so much easier back than. I guess it was my bad, for wishing to be a grown up. You got it Fina, and so the troubles awaits you. Yes, i got side tracked for a while. Too lost. Knowing a lot of people is fun. But taking care of one's feeling isn't easy. if you're not willing to sacrifice your life for them, than it's okay. But it's not okay to make them wait. I've never thought I'd be caught up in this intertwined mess i started. Well, I didn't meant to make a mess. Sometimes you just do what's right for the moment. Now I can frankly say I'm a mess. But i try not to show it. Ive been threatened with my life. Who could put a blank face when they know the edge is so near? Or unsure what will happen next? Nad had made it possible for me to do that. Lolx. Yes, she's my strength. Im her weakness. Guess that's what bestfriends do. Feeling it and hiding it for each other. But that's not the biggest thing just yet. i have a lot of doubts. I hate not knowing what is right and wrong and not being able to decide. Yes, I wish i had a morphine so I could drift and dream of living somewhere no one knows anyone. I dreamt of going to a ball full of strangers, where everyone's a mask and no one knows who that someone really is. Will you be able to really read people's heart? Whether they really are good or evil? Questions i wish I could answer. But I know these impossibles, So, i guess, I'll just do what's best for the moment. i'll just do what my red pumping muscle tells me to. What my body longs to and my minds need.

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